Last Updated on June 26, 2021

Canadian Disney Annual Passholder @BlackSpireJedi received the phone call from Walt Disney World Ticket Services to renewed his AP Friday June 25th, 2021 after cancelling his pass during the park closure.
A Canadian Disney Annual Passholder (AP) received the news that he was eligible to renew his AP by phone. Currently renewal for Passholders that held a ‘Platinum Plus Pass’ are being informed that that tier no longer exists, and are informed the closest available tier is Platinum Pass if they so choose.

Disney Annual Passholders who had passes expiring after March 16, 2020 are eligible to renew there Annual Passes. AP renewal is currently available for Passholders who cancelled during the park closure, and have decided to now renew. Disney will work with you, as long as your AP didn’t expire BEFORE the park closure.

After calling the Disney Worlds general ticketing number NOT the Annual Passholder number you can submit your info to a Cast Member who will fill a form for submission to the Disney World ticketing team. The ticketing team will then review and call you back within 7 to 10 days. It was a 10 days wait for @BlackSpireJedi. All submissions for renewal are reviewed and actioned on a case-by-case basis.
Generally as long as your AP was set to expire after March 16, 2020, you’ll be allowed to get a new one!
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