Last Updated on February 23, 2022

Walt Disney Worlds Magic Kingdom is often considered the ultimate Disney experience. Here you’ll find the most attractions, characters and things to see. Read here our Do’s & Don’ts for visiting Magic Kingdom Park and having a magical day!
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10. Do Have a Plan
It helps to have a plan in mind when you walk in. Your plan doesn’t need to be precise. Even having an idea of what attractions are must-dos, where to watch the parade and shows, and when to do the shopping will make your day run much smoother.
9. Don’t Stay All Day
Remember, the kiddos still need a nap, perhaps even more so with all the excitement. It can be easy to think you need to stay in the park all day to get the most value from your ticket. But taking a break from the heat and the crowds will help you appreciate the Magic Kingdom, even more, when you return.
Here are some ideas for taking a break: head to your hotel for a nap or swim, have a leisurely table service lunch, or ride the monorail around for a few loops. Whatever you do, you’ll feel refreshed for an evening in the park!
8. Do Take a Times Guide
Yes, you can find all the information on the My Disney Experience app. But your phone’s battery power is better spent on other things than opening the app constantly. Grab a Times Guide as you enter the park under the railroad tracks, or in most stores near the registers.
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7. Don’t Miss the Shows
Walt Disney World is known for its amazing live entertainment. Make sure to see them (showtimes are on your Times Guide). My new favorite has to be The Muppets Present… Great Moments in History at Liberty Square. It’s a short show featuring your favorite Muppets performed in the upper windows near the Hall of Presidents.

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6. Do Make Dining Reservations
Some of the most popular restaurants in all of Walt Disney World are in the Magic Kingdom. If you want to eat at Be Our Guest or Cinderella’s Royal Table, you’ll need to make your Advanced Dining Reservations as close to the 180-day mark as possible.
Crystal Palace and Skipper Canteen are popular table service restaurants as well, but not to the same extent. Dining reservations can be made 180 days before your vacation, via phone or online, and doing so will give you the best chance at your preferred restaurant and mealtime.
5. Don’t Skip the Classics
There are so many classic attractions in the Magic Kingdom. I for one don’t think a trip to Disney is complete without a ride on Carousel of Progress, it’s a small world, Peter Pan, Jungle Cruise or Pirates of the Caribbean, or a visit to the Enchanted Tiki Room.

4. Do Stay Late
After the fireworks have ended, Magic Kingdom empties out dramatically. Most families with young kids head back to the hotel for bed. If you don’t have young kids, now’s your time! The park gets less crowded as the night wears on, so if you can stay awake, you’ll enjoy short wait times and open sidewalks. Just be warned, many restaurants are not open during late night Extra Magic Hours, so get your snacking done early!
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3. Don’t Forget Water
We all know hydration is important, but it can be easy to forget in the midst of all the excitement. Ask for water at all your meals, any time you stop for a snack and consider bringing a refillable water bottle with you into the parks. Dehydration will make park goers cranky, tired, and sore. Save yourself the trouble and drink plenty of water!

2. Do Arrive Early
If you want to experience the Magic Kingdom with low crowds, without staying out later than Cinderella, then you’ll need to get to the park early. As in, prior to opening. If you do, you’ll be treated to the Welcome Show starring Mickey and his friends.
1. Don’t Bring Too Much
Speaking of arriving early, the bag check line will be the longest first thing in the morning. Expedite security by unzipping all your bag’s pockets while you wait (security will often ask you to open camera bags and such so unzip those too).
And it should go without saying that bringing too much will slow you down, not just in the security line, but all day. I recommend bringing one (maybe two if you have a large group) bag and sharing the responsibility of carrying it.
Don’t try to cram a huge backpack at your feet on Space Mountain, be smart about what you need.
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