Last Updated on May 11, 2022

There isn’t a lot that Disney doesn’t allow, but here is a shortlist of the top things that won’t make it past security.
Alcohol and drugs
This does not include prescription drugs, though it is best to leave those in their original container and possibly bring your prescription – or at least a copy of it. Security can sometimes feel like the TSA on busy days
Large strollers
While my Bob Dualie can be considered large by some, this is not even the largest that are produced. Disney has a limit of 36″ x 52″ unless required for mobility purposes. To find the type of strollers that are allowed, or where you can rent a stroller at Walt Disney World, check out this article; reasons why you need a stroller.
Large Bags
Keep your Park bags to a reasonable size.
Smoking areas will no longer be present inside Walt Disney World or Disneyland theme parks, Water Parks, ESPN Wide World of Sports Complex, or Downtown Disney in California.
Trailer-like objects
This is not allowed at Walt Disney World. This includes wagons, coolers on wheels, or anything that would be dragged behind you instead of pushed in front of you.
Disney has since updated their policy to expressly ban Wagon-Strollers. Find out more here.
Mobility Devices with less than 3 wheels
I didn’t even know a mobility device was possible without 4 or more wheels, but this would include Segways and children’s scooters (not to be confused with a mobility scooter).
Loose Ice
This is a little bit of a weird one but if you plan to bring a cooler or cooler bag to store snacks and drinks for a theme park or water park adventure, it’s important to know that loose or dry ice is no longer permitted. Disney claims this is in order to improve guest flow, ease congestion, and streamline the bag-check and entry processes, loose and dry ice is not permitted. Reusable ice packs are recommended.
This includes toy weapons as part of a child’s costume. To avoid confusion, toy weapons that are not allowed on the property are no longer sold on the property. Light Sabers and such are still sold, and therefore still allowed to be brought back in. While the USA does have a particular fascination with guns and open-carry, concealed carry and other laws exist throughout the country, this law does not require private property to allow weapons. Official policy is to require guests to leave any firearms in their vehicles or hotel safes.
Folding Chairs
While we all wish we had a nice comfy seat to watch the fireworks, I think this would encourage too much “camping” for a good spot. No chairs or stools of any kind are allowed.
Selfie sticks
The most heated debate of our generation (I’m only half-joking). Selfie sticks and other telescopic handheld devices are not allowed on the property.
Large Tripods
Speaking of telescopic devices, tripods are allowed, to a certain degree. Large, eyesore pieces used by professionals, are not permitted.
Professional photographers
I mean, it’s not like they ask you your profession when you walk into the park, but they will not allow professional photo shoots to take place, other than by their own team.
Glass containers
This really is just for safety. Imagine broken glass everywhere. What a nightmare. No glass, no problems.
Pets or animals
Until recently, pets weren’t even allowed at the hotels, but that has changed. However, they are not allowed in the park. Disneyland Paris does have a pet daycare just outside the Village for day-trippers or those not interested in leaving your fur baby alone in the hotel room all day.
Adults in costume
Anyone over the age of 14, or looks over the age of 14, is not allowed to dress in costume. Disneybounding has become a thing, where adults dress in similar colors and the general style as their favorite character but it is clearly regular clothes. The idea is that many costumes these days look too realistic and may confuse the children. Only during Halloween Party ticketed events are adults allowed to be in costume, and this is expressly said on the tickets, to avoid confusion.
Inappropriate clothing
Another hot topic these days; what is inappropriate? Check out Disney’s Dress Code for a more detailed answer, found here. Essentially, they don’t want offensive language or graphics, shoes and shirts must be worn at all times, and body parts must be modestly concealed. Tank tops and shorts are allowed, but bra-tops and short-shorts are not… think of the kids (and the questions their parents have to answer later).
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