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Photos & Recap 2017: Disneyland Paris Walt Disney Studios

Last Updated on October 14, 2021

We didn’t have plans for the morning and the park didn’t open until 10 am so we slept in until 8 am and took our time making our way to the second park on our itinerary; Paris Walt Disney Studios.

We waltz in at 10:10 am and found that the children’s area was busy as sin. There was a giant line for Crush’s Coaster – I didn’t care since munchkin was too short but this was a sign of things to come, I just didn’t know it yet.

Paris Walt Disney Studios

We went to Cars rally first; expectant mom’s not allowed for hubby went alone. The wait wasn’t long and they had a great time in the cars, spinning around. He wanted to do it again until we mentioned Aladdin’s flying carpet. We had yet to experience the angry toddler that doesn’t want to leave the ride and I didn’t want to. Aladdin’s wait wasn’t bad either, a little longer than Cars. Again, an expectant mom’s not allowed so I waited with the stroller.

We walked around trying to find another attraction that he would like and was able to go on. We eventually found Slinky Dog spin. Preggo’s not welcome; I was feeling the love that day. The line was 30 minutes long and hubby took the munchkin in. After 10 minutes, they walked out the way they went in. We needed something that they could take a break.

Animagique was a lot of fun. Munchkin didn’t want to sit still for the show to start so I gave him one of the suckers from last night. He ate it quietly while we waited all of 5 minutes. When the show started, he jumped up onto my lap and they had his full attention.

The show was Donald and Mickey working on designs, and Donald opening a forbidden door where he danced with various characters from Disney movies. Munchkin knew all of the movies and clapped along with them. No photos or videos allow, sorry. We were all a little calmer now but still irritable so we decided on a change of pace; LUNCH!

Because it wasn’t quite noon, we found a nice place, Cafe des cascadeurs, near the backlot. I was hoping to see the Stunt show before lunch but it started 15 minutes before we arrived. The Cafe didn’t open until 1230 but we all thought it was supposed to open at noon so I was getting really upset that they were so late.

By the time we went in, the munchkin was a mess, I was hungry and hubby was just frustrated at the world. We needed a second wind desperately. Lunch was good, munchkin ate the croutons from my salad, that was it. We ordered cheesecake, of course, he wanted to try that. But, he got the glass of apple juice he had been asking for. For some reason, the parks offer water, pop and orange juice but no apple juice.

Disneyland Paris Trip Report 2014 #disneyparks #disneytripreport #disneylandparis #disneywithkids

The backlot tour was fun, we got to ride a train and see some special effects lots. The Stunt show was a joke. The pamphlet says it is with Lightening McQueen; he appeared in a video clip near the beginning. It was 45 minutes of fighting with a toddler that wanted to go run around. Because of where the stunts were taking place, we couldn’t leave without stopping the show. Not sure how we managed, but he came out of that show alive and with all of his limbs.

Disneyland Paris Trip Report 2014 #disneyparks #disneytripreport #disneylandparis #disneywithkids

We thought Cinimagique would be a nice place to calm down after the horrors of the stunt show. It was a cute little film with clips of Disney movies, organized into themes. Then in the next room, it was a chat with Mushu, the dragon from Mulan.

I shouldn’t say I’m surprised that we didn’t have a good time; Hollywood studios in Florida had a nasty habit of pissing me off whenever we went to Disneyworld. The lines are always too full; Ratatouille had a 2-hour wait and the fast passes were sold out before 11 am.   We found a Peter Pan costume that wasn’t 50 euro. We eventually went back to the hotel to relax and drop off our shopping bags.

Dining Mistakes

It was 530 pm when we decided we needed plans for dinner. The Parks offer quick service, for the most part, which consists of burgers, nuggets or hot dogs and the Village has expensive dinners that take a while to be served. The hotel offers a character dinner, Inventions, so we went to check it out. It costs 55 euro per adult and it is a buffet.  

We paid 80 euros for the three of us at the Rainforest cafe so 110 euro for a character dinner seemed within the Disney reality, so we said yes. DON’T DO IT. The food was not amazing, the dining hall was almost empty and the waiters were kinda rude.  There were 6 characters, but he wasn’t interested in any of them. We did manage to get him to eat something; chicken nuggets and raspberry tarts, of course. With that failure under our belts, we went for a relaxing train ride on the Disney Express.

Disneyland Paris Trip Report 2014 #disneyparks #disneytripreport #disneylandparis #disneywithkids

The Disney Express was amazing. It took us 30 minutes to wait for the next train, but the wait was rather pleasant. The train ride was amazing. 30 minutes around the park, he looked at everything and choo-choo along with the train when we left each station. We actually found a ride in Fantasy land that we didn’t do the morning before so that was on the list of things to do Monday morning.

Disneyland Paris Trip Report 2014 #disneyparks #disneytripreport #disneylandparis #disneywithkids

Since the fireworks were at 10 pm on Saturday night and the pamphlet says it is at closing, and weekends close at 10 pm, we logically assumed fireworks were at 10 pm Sunday night as well. We got off the train, thinking we had 90 minutes to wait, we came prepared with Nemo and his toys, hubby was going to buy a bag of popcorn and we went to find seats in front of the castle.

When we got there and settled in, the announcement said it would start in 15 minutes. Hubby rushed over and we waited 15 minutes for the show. Munchkin liked it much better this time around; he knew what to expect and we were much closer to the castle this time so he could see the projections closer to the base of the castle. Turns out I was reading last week’s planner and they closed at 9 pm that night. Oops.

Disneyland Paris Trip Report 2014 #disneyparks #disneytripreport #disneylandparis #disneywithkids

We thought we would take a walk through the Village and find something to snack on but they only had sit-down restaurants, candy in the shops and a Starbucks. We went to the Lego store so hubby could buy his X-Wing. Munchkin, in all of his cuteness, managed to get me to buy him a train set with numbers on it. He grabbed it from me when I said yes and ran around looking for the hubby to show him what I had agreed to.

Again, he held it tight until we got to the cashier and gladly gave it up when I said it was time to pay. Quick learner; we don’t give it up, we don’t bring it home, I will not get another one from the shelf to scan. The only x-wing at the Lego store was 250 euro so we left without it. The store next door had the smaller version, 90 euro. Pretty sad that we had to find a Lego set in a store, next to the Lego store.

Munchkin wanted to play with his Lego, and I said he can only open it once we get back to the hotel, so he jumped in the stroller and asked to go to the hotel.

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Our day was finally over and we eventually jumped into bed. I let munchkin play with his toys while hubby and I packed our suitcases. Hubby brought most to the car Sunday night so we could do less Monday morning for check-out. Still didn’t manage to get to bed until 1130 but it was worth it.

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