Last Updated on July 22, 2019

Walt Disney World is the most visited vacation resort in the world. Yet as magical as it is, it can also be extremely overwhelming for parents, grandparents, and even children themselves.
No matter how much research or planning you do, there will be things that surprise you on your first trip (and your second and third and…).
Here is our list of 101 things not to do at Walt Disney World to increase the magic and decrease meltdowns and disappointment for all involved.
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1. Don’t Wing It
Maybe Disneyland Paris can be achieved without any real plans (as we have done several times), but with the advent of advanced reservations for Fast Passes and Dining, you are doing yourself a disservice by not planning ahead. At least for these specifics.
You will likely find yourself shut out of the best restaurants and most popular attractions as a result of families who made advance reservations. This is especially true if you’re travelling during the summer or during a major holiday.
2. Don’t over plan either
We have all seen the park plans that are timed to the minute. While it may be fun to plan it that way, executing it is another thing entirely. Not only will you be stressed out and disappointed when something goes wrong, because something always goes wrong, but this is entirely unnecessary.
Plan your dining, fast passes, which park you plan on achieving on which day and a general idea of how you will conquer the parks and that’s it! Know when the parades and shows will be on and try to make it to each one that appeals to you, but there is always tomorrow to try again.
3. Don’t overdo it too soon into the vacation
Take it easy or you will burn yourself out too quickly. Relax when you land, take in the sights and get your bearings. Do a big park on day 1, then a little park on day 2. Burning too soon means the rest of your vacation is exhausting and drawn out. Take it easy.
4. Don’t plan anything for the day you land.
Flights can be delayed, jet lag sucks and a ton of other things can happen. Planning too much on landing day can make you feel rushed and in the end, disappointed when it doesn’t come to fruition. If you are driving, this is another story, since you are (generally) in control of your itinerary, but flying or cruising can cause delays beyond your control.
5. Don’t expect to do it all
A fact to ponder: Walt Disney World is twice the size of Manhattan. With four theme parks, two water parks, and countless sporting, shopping, and dining options, it’s impossible to see everything in the course of one vacation. (In fact, they designed it that way to make sure you’ll come back.)
Reading up on the parks in advance will give you a good sense of which attractions are “must-dos” for your family, which are nice if you have the time, and which are skippable.
6. Don’t forget vacation homework
Read, read and read some more. Visit blogs, buy books, ask friends that have been before. Do as much research as you can and know that when you have created your park plan, you know where everything is and how everything is going to go down. Also, have a Plan B, just in case.
7. Don’t set yourself up for disappointment
There is such a thing as too much excitement. If you have watched the countless videos on a single restaurant, the Instagram images, the blogs and the vlogs, it is easy to have certain expectations. Once you arrive, there really is only one way this can go; and that’s down.
Understand that it is only a restaurant, only a theme park and know that everyone has a different experience. Have a realistic expectation of what you will encounter and be prepared for hiccups. Videos and blogs can’t place in you the middle of the 35degree heat, back to back crowds, screaming babies and sore feet.
8. Don’t Go away without travel insurance
Health care and travel incidents can play out very differently around the world. If you find yourself in need of medical attention, even for minor issues, it will cost you. A 3-hour wait in the Emergency room, just to be diagnosed with Strep Throat and set on our way with a prescription cost us $850, per child (because it’s contagious and of course they both caught it at the same time).
Without adequate insurance, these fees would be solely our responsibility. Luckily, with a little emergency fund in the bank and healthy credit cards, both kids were treated quickly and we were on our way without much worry; look for companies that have quick reimbursement periods, if they can not be charged directly from the hospital themselves.
This is also the case for airfare, road trips, and any other travel incidents. Cars break down, airlines cancel their flights, luggage gets lost. Who is going to pay for this? Not a problem for the insured tourist.
9. Don’t forget to download the right Disney apps
Just because the parks have internet doesn’t mean you should be wasting your time downloading an app when you could be doing it from home, with a much better and more reliable internet connection.
For starters, get yourself the My Experience app. This is where all of your reservations, fast passes, tickets and memory maker are stored.
10. Don’t forget to plan with a calendar
There are a handful of days during the planning stages that one needs to mark on the calendar and have a solid few hours to themselves. These are for Advance Dining Reservations, Fast Pass + creations and more. Check out our handy calculator to find out when your dates are, based on your check-in date.
11. Don’t plan without a busy-day guide
With busy-day guides the busiest days at individual Walt Disney World theme parks are calculated, even narrowed it down to which park will be busiest on which day. Don’t ignore this priceless piece of information.
I know what you are thinking, if everyone is told to avoid the Magic Kingdom, then no one will be there and it will be fine. Nope!
The number of visitors that Disney gets on a single day vs the number of people aware of crowd calendars is negligible. There is no way that up to 100,000 different people, every single day, are visiting to see which park to avoid.
There is also the fact that some Disney experiences just can’t be avoided; if your schedule demands the Magic Kingdom and its showing as busy, Disney Fanatics know ya gotta do, what ya gotta do!
In the end, if a busy-day guide suggests avoiding a certain theme park its best to follow that suggestion as best you can.
12. Don’t overpay
There are so many ways to save before and during your Disney vacation. Be it off-site stays, pre-buying souvenirs, or finding those elusive cheap flights. In this way, there is just no excuse for overpaying at Disney.
Your Disney plan isn’t just about the rides, dining and tour planning, it’s about how to save and where to get the best deals.
13. Don’t think you can do it all
Unless you are staying for 30 days and on-site, it is just not possible to see it all in a one week visit. Walt Disney World is epic.
For those with the opportunity to visit a Disney park again be sure to keep a detailed accounting of things, you want to see the next time.
14. Don’t over pack
There is no need to pack your entire wardrobe, and 10 pairs of shoes, if only to wear half of it.
If your visiting for a few days, maybe packing specific outfits for each day and breaking it down to ‘touring’ clothes and fancy dress for dinner is the way to go. Lining up day clothes with evening clothes could also help save on space. Even a simple shirt change for dinner could do the trick.
Of course, Disney venues are accustomed to the typical holiday clothes, but maybe you want to look extra special with some tactical holiday style chooses for the evening. You can do laundry on site and can always buy that extra shirt in the parks.
Furthermore, the more you pack, the less you can bring home, keep that in mind.
15. Don’t forget to book your advance dining reservations
For those hoping to get the big character dinners making advance dining reservation is a must. Guests staying on or off Disney property can make Advance Dining Reservations.
Those staying at a Disney owned-resort can book their reservations 180 days in advance,plus up to 10 days of their vacation stay, giving them an advantage over other potential diners to book all of their dining reservations at once.
Guests staying at non-Disney owned hotels or resorts may book dining reservations 180 days in advance of their preferred dining dates, which means they will need to reserve dining for each day of their vacations, one day at a time if beginning 180 days out.
Reservations do get cancelled by guests so checking with the Hostess’s desk for a table is, of course, something to consider.
16. Don’t assume the weather will be perfect
When you know you’ll be spending long days at the Disney parks, be sure to check the weather before heading out and pick up anything you may need beforehand. Things like plastic ponchos, for instance, will cost more once you’re in the park and you’ll probably throw them out (or lose them) later in the day. Check out our guide on what to do in the parks on a rainy day at Disney.
17. Don’t think you will make everyone happy
There is bound to be one grump Guss, an anxiety-prone individual or Type A personality that can’t find the joy in what has been accomplished. Compromise is the name of the game and everyone needs to give a little to get a little.

18. Don’t miss late night shows
The late shows seem to be a big part of many guests visit Walt Disney World. They are masterpieces of entertainment from light shows, to spectacular fireworks displays, and magical themed Disney parades.
19. Don’t lose your car
Take a photo of your parking lot area and send it to a few members of your group. Spending an hour in the parking lot looking for your car is like looking for a needle in a haystack… in the middle of the night.
20. Don’t forget personal hygiene
Florida is hot and sweaty, guests are crowding each other in parks and in the queues, and even closer on the attractions themselves.
21. Don’t lose your cell
There are a handful of services that can help you find your cell phone after you have lost it, but try to keep it somewhere safe and secure so this doesn’t happen.
22. Don’t waste time charging your electronics in the park
Instead of sitting near a charging station for an hour or two, just waiting for your phone to charge, why not pack a portable power bank?
23. Don’t forget the kids’ nap time
They don’t have to go back to the hotel, but they do need to rest their eyes. Find a great spot, like the ones mentioned here, and help them relax.
24. Don’t forget that everyone is going to need a break during this trip
The kids aren’t the only ones needing a rest. Yes, I’ve mentioned midday breaks but what about rest days entirely? Take a day off and explore the resorts, the local area or just sleep in and sit by the pool for a whole day. It’s your vacation, do what you want.
25. Don’t wear new shoes
Having new vacation clothes is great, having crisp colours in your amazing photos is even better, but new shoes is a major no-no. This will cause blisters, pain and overall discomfort, considering you can easily do 25,000 steps in a single day.
Practice walking in your new shoes to get the rough spots out for at least a few weeks before heading to the parks. Check out our guide to the best Disney shoes available.
26. Don’t dress uncomfortably
You may want to look cute for that perfect snapshot with Mickey, but the most important thing is to dress comfortably. Ditch the heels, and tie those sneakers. Dress appropriately for the temperature outside, because you’ll be walking around for a long while.
27. Don’t skip out on PhotoPass
Never skip out on using the PhotoPass photographers. You’re spending the day at the park, running around with the kids and making wonderful memories. Before you know it, the day has come to an end.
You were so caught up, you didn’t take any photos. When you see one of the photographers, just stop quickly and take a picture. It is not mandatory that you purchase the photo, but at least you have the option to do so.
28. Don’t forget your camera
Photopass and Memory Maker are amazing but there is something to be said for using your own devices. This can save you a few dollars, as well as capturing moments outside of the photo pass stations. Your camera can double as your cell phone, goodness knows I am not the camera expert in this family; everything is through my phone or not at all.
29. Don’t forget to put down your tech once in a while
This may seem a little counter to my last point but there is a time and a place for your tech. Don’t experience your vacation through your lens. Snap a picture and move along. Experience Disney and live in the moment.
If you really want to capture everything, like we do as bloggers, schedule a time for that. Last year at Disneyland Paris, hubby walked away for a few hours while I did Early Magic Hours with the kids.
He took some AMAZING photos and what did he really miss; Pinocchio? Dumbo? I think he will survive not having experienced it.
No one wants your iPad in there face.
30. Don’t forget the sunscreen
This may be an obvious suggestion but it still needs to be said. Sure, you can buy sunscreen once you get there, but that can be expensive and if you have sensitive skin or skin allergies, this is a risk you don’t want to take. Pack this into your Disney Park bag and it will be there if you forget to apply it in the morning.
31. Don’t forget to consider taking the kids out of school for this vacation
When school is out of session anywhere in the country—actually, anywhere in the world—flights to Orlando book up, room rates peak and lines are excruciatingly long. Consider, too, that summer break coincides with the hottest, muggiest, most insufferable weather Florida has to offer.
And during the Christmas/New Year’s break, Disney has been known to close the park gates to control capacity crowds. Sound fun?
32. Don’t go when it is hot
Not only is Florida crowded in the summer, but it’s excruciatingly hot. If it can be avoided, do not travel during the summer months.
33. Don’t forget a meeting spot is you get separated from the group
This is especially true if there are children involved, but always have a meeting spot in the parks even if it’s just a group of adults.
34. Don’t skip a trip because there is a baby involved
There are two ways you can take this tip; leave the baby at home with grandma, or take the baby with you. Either is a terrific option, it is just a matter of personal preference.
In terms of taking baby along, there are plenty of baby care centers throughout Walt Disney World that even if parents have forgotten to pack something, Disney will have it available (for sale). There is also this ingenious program called “Rider Swap“.
If someone in the group isn’t able or unwilling to ride, like the baby, simply ask the Cast Member for a Rider Swap ticket and parents can go one at a time while the other sits behind with the little one.
This special ticket acts as a line-jumper, so the sitting parent doesn’t have to wait in the standby queue when it comes to their turn.
35. Don’t forget a packing list
Know what you need and don’t need for a Disney vacation and pack accordingly. Throwing things willy nilly into the suitcase isn’t going to do you much good if it isn’t done with intention.

36. Don’t Give Attractions Equal Weight
Disney purists will object, but the truth is that not every attraction is worthwhile and not every park deserves a full day of your attention. Know what you want to do and stick to your guns; don’t let anyone tell you that It’s a small world is a waste of time, it’s adorable.
37. Don’t Exhaust the kids
Disney’s four major theme parks and two water parks make up 1,100 acres of ground to cover. Take a day off, explore the rest of Disney World or even the greater Orlando area for that matter. Check out what can be done without park tickets.
38. Don’t forget to take a mid-day break
A midday break can be anything from relaxing at a water feature within the park, switching it up and visiting a water park in the afternoon, or having a nice sit-down meal for lunch. Having a break just means resting and recharging your batteries. Or a Nap.

39. Don’t head back to the hotel for lunch
Having your break at the hotel or saving some money and eating at the hotel may sound like a great plan but the time consumed during transit is crazy. Unless you are staying at a Monorail resort and visiting Magic Kindom or Epcot, it can up to 1 hour to reach your destination, if you are lucky.
40. Don’t fear long lines
Just because a line is long, doesn’t mean it won’t go by quickly. Some rides have a fast turn around time, so be mindful of the standby line clock. Others are covered and the queue is quite entertaining, even for little ones. If a ride is at the top of your to-do list and you haven’t managed to secure a Fast Pass for it, then pick your lines carefully and do your best to make the most of the situation.
41. Don’t forget to use FastPass+
Skip the Line. 20+ of Disney’s most popular attractions are now equipped with the Fastpass system, which essentially holds your spot in line, leaving you free to explore other parts of the park. There is no need to wait excruciating times when it can simply be avoided by a little preplanning.
42. Don’t have a strict touring schedule
This goes hand in hand with overplanning. Having a strict touring schedule can suck the fun out of any vacation. Have a general idea and make note of all important show times.
43. Don’t forget kiddie entertainment for those long lines
While it is possible to avoid some lines, you can’t avoid them all. How are you going to entertain the kids while you wait? There are snacks, trivia games, cell phone games (don’t forget your battery charger) and many more options to keep them busy in the queue.
44. Don’t scare the kids with costumed characters
If they seem to be a little shy around giant Mickey, maybe standing in lines and meeting more similar characters isn’t the greatest of ideas. Start slow and introduce them to face characters – non-costumed. Get them used to the idea of a meet and greet and show them how it is done.
Even better, go to character dinners instead of standing in a long line. Older members of the family can meet the characters, everyone needs to eat anyway, and the littles can stay safely on the other side of the table while the characters walk around.
45. Don’t forget kids like a voice in planning as well
Parents often plan a vacation for their kids without consulting the very people they are trying to entertain. Ask them what they want to do, have them watch the planning videos and youtube ridealongs and ask them what their top picks are.

46. Don’t let them wear cheap clothes
Wearing cheap clothes will serve the added benefit of not caring if it gets ruined on a ride, in a play corner or during dinner, but they are also generally low quality. The kids will be active and require something that can keep up with them. We don’t want to have a wardrobe malfunction in the middle of the park, now do we.
47. Don’t take them on a ride just because they are tall enough
Sure, Disney is for families but they do have a few big-kid rides to appease the rest of their target audience. It’s easy to figure out that a ride called Tower of Terror might be terrifying, but keep in mind that Disney does scary atmosphere as well. The Haunted Mansion, It’s Tough to be a Bug, Stitch’s Great Escape—all of these are tame rides with elements that might frighten some youngsters.
48. Don’t forget extra clothes for when kids get wet
While you and I don’t particularly care if we are a little wet after Splash Mountain, it could be a point of contention for the kids. They want to be comfortable and won’t necessarily understand that the heat will dry them within an hour or two.
There are other rides, however, that even mum and dad will need a change. We bought ourselves a whole new outfit after riding Kali River Rapids a few years back. We were drenched, the sun was going down, and we had plenty more activities to do on our list before heading back to the hotel.

49. Don’t keep the family together 24/7
Too much of anything can lead to disasters. Parents want a break from the kids, kids want a break from their parents. Some kids may even want a break from the other kids.
Don’t forget about the many services that Disney offers, like kids clubs while you attend a fancy resort restaurant, or in-room babysitting while the parents enjoy an evening to themselves.
If the children are old enough, allow them to explore a section of the parks on their own. Why wait 2 hours in line for a ride they want nothing to do with when they could be exploring and riding something of their own choice.
This can be especially true for larger groups traveling together.
50. Don’t forget to compromise
Not everyone is going to want to do the same thing, or work at the same pace. Compromise amongst the group and find a middle ground. This is especially true if the group isn’t able to split up and will save a lot of arguments and headaches.
51. Don’t neglect your parental responsibility
Don’t ignore your kids, always keep an eye on them. Disney World is a thrilling place, especially for kids. They may wander or want to run off to view something exciting. You may turn around for a split second, and before you know it your child is gone and has disappeared in the crowd.
52. Don’t forget bathroom breaks
The kids may be toilet trained, for years even, and they will still have accidents if not reminded. Disney is so epic and mind-boggling that they are bound to forget that they have to pee until it is too late.
Visit a toilet every 2 hours, or whenever you come across one. This isn’t your standard vacation where one can just pee in the woods while taking a hike… and parents aren’t necessarily willing to let your little one jump the line just because he is doing the peepee dance.
53. Don’t leave valuables in the stroller
Not saying to bring all of your shopping onto the attraction with you (depending on the value of the item, of course) but never ever leave your purse in the stroller. Diaper bag maybe, wallet never. And don’t leave your car keys in there either.
They may not be able to find your car in the parking lot, but then again, it’s not like it will be going anywhere any time soon.
54. Don’t forget the stroller
Just because the kid has been walking to the store since he was 2 doesn’t mean he can handle Walt Disney World. There have been many guests that question if they should be renting Walt Disney World strollers for their 7-year-olds.
It really depends on the type of walker they are and if they can handle the long days, but yes, all children will need a stroller (or carrier) at one point in the day.
Find out more reasons why you want to bring a stroller on your next Disney vacation by clicking here.

55. Don’t rent strollers from Disney for the younger kids
If you don’t own a stroller anymore and your kid is under 5, we suggest renting from an off-site provider like Kingdom Strollers. The Disney strollers are hard plastic and don’t have much support for little necks and backs.
56. Don’t exhaust the kids before your Disney vacation
Spending all day travelling through airports, having a mini-vacation before the vacation or anything else that is physically and mentally exhausting in the days before a Disney Vacation is not ideal. There is not enough time for the little ones to recuperate before heading back out for more energy sucking excitement.
57. Don’t forget your stroller fan
This isn’t just for strollers, despite their name. A stroller fan is a small, portable fan that can clip to just about anything; your backpack, your purse, your carrier, and your stroller. They can make or break a little ones Disney vacation by adding some fresh air under the sun cover.
58. Don’t be selfish
You aren’t the only person on vacation. Don’t take up too much space in the lines, or waiting for the evening shows, don’t be that person that jumps the queue and thinks its funny. Cause it’s not
59. Don’t take flash photography on the rides
There are often ride photos that a flash will ruin, like Peter Pan. But more importantly, others are trying to enjoy the ride and your flash is very bothersome.

60. Don’t forget about the people behind you
Too many times, we have been forced to stand behind people during shows that feel the need to put their kids on their shoulders. Little kids, ok maybe. But 12-year-olds? Come on! I’m not 7 feet tall, no one else can see the projections on the castle.
Also, when walking around the parks, please don’t stop suddenly and wonder why you were hit in the ankles by 3 different strollers. Move to the side. This is Disney traffic, much like driving your car on the busy Interstate.
61. Don’t smoke in non-smoking areas
There are clearly marked designated smoking areas for individuals who need to smoke but don’t light up in front of restaurants, shops, and theme park rides. If you are staying at a Disney Resort hotel, ask about the property’s smoking policy upon check-in.
And if you do choose to smoke in a non-smoking area, prepare to pay a hefty fine. According to Walt Disney World, “to cover the costs of cleaning and restoring the room to a smoke-free condition, a $250 to $500 room recovery fee plus tax (based on the Disney Resort hotel and room type) will be charged to guests who smoke in hotel rooms, on balconies or on patios.”
62. Don’t expect miracles from Cast Members.
There is only so much they can do about a ride breaking down as you were about to get on. They issue extra fast passes and try to accommodate guests but there comes a time when there literally isn’t anything they can do.
Remember, whatever they do to help you out, someone eventually finds out and will expect the same treatment. Or better. This is a slippery slope that shareholders will think too kindly of. Especially if that Pixie Dust president eats into their profits.
63. Don’t talk during shows
While a show is a great time to relax, and a quiet environment to finally have that conversation you have been dying to have with your partner, during the show is not the time to have it. Others are trying to listen to the dialogue and enjoy the experience.
64. Don’t drink too much.
I’m not talking about water. I beg you to drink water as much as you possibly can. I’m talking about alcohol. Too much drinking, in a fast-paced and hot environment like Disney, never ends well.
You will only end up ruining your vacation, and possibly that of others around your shenanigans. Drink Around the World responsibly.

65. Don’t underestimate gift cards
This is great if you are on a tight budget or want to teach the kids about spending less. There are so many places to get great deals on Gift Cards, even in Canada.
66. Don’t buy bottled water
Bottled water is a waste of money, fairly expensive and produces far too much plastic garbage. Bring your own refillable water bottle and get free ice water at the restaurants. Check out our list of best water bottles for Disney.

67. Don’t get dehydrated
Dehydration is dangerous and not something one wants to experience on vacation. Stay cool, take breaks and drink lots of hydrating fluids. Check out our article on the best ways to identify dehydration and heat stroke, and ways to prevent it.
68. Don’t leave the parks just to eat somewhere else
The savings in dollar value aren’t worth the time lost in the parks, or the time it takes to get to and from this new location
69. Don’t pay full price for souvenirs
Buying in advance from Amazon doesn’t lessen the value of the souvenir.
70. Don’t buy hopper tickets each time you visit
Since your ticket will get you back into the same park if you leave at any time during the day, there is no need to purchase a hopper ticket if you plan on going back to the hotel for a midday break. Especially for first-time visitors, we suggest sticking to one park per day.
71. Don’t forget about resort hopping
The fun isn’t just contained within the parks. Disney has created masterpieces in many of their resorts. Take some time, maybe on your non-park day, to check out the other resorts and see how the other half is living.
Note that guests not staying at that hotel cannot access the hotel pools or other amenities. Magic Bands are scanned for verification.
Resort hopping is also great to do just before or after visiting a resort restaurant.

72. Don’t need the Deluxe Dining Plan
This is just way too much food.
73. Don’t miss a scheduled reservation
There is a fee for cancelling or not showing up to a reservation. If you can’t make it, try moving it to a better time
74. Don’t forget to price out the Annual Prices
Depending on how often you plan on visiting per year, there is something to be said for annual passes. Also, consider getting one member of the family an annual pass and reaping the benefits of the discounts and freebies associated with it.
75. Don’t forget to bring a cooler
While you can’t bring a large camping cooler, you can bring an insulated lunch bag or sling cooler. Pack some snacks and drinks and save yourself some time and money throughout your day.
76. Don’t buy all of your snacks in the parks
There are local grocery stores that you can visit, have delivered or bring from home. You won’t want to stop for a break every time someone in your group gets hungry, throw a few snacks in your bag in the morning can solve this issue. Small items like & granola bars and fruit should do the trick. Bringing snacks with you as opposed to buying them in the park will be cheaper and healthier.

77. Don’t forget to budget for all those unexpected snacks and treats you will end up buying anyway
Sure you packed enough snacks to feed a small army but those Mickey Bars look too amazing to pass up. Have change on hand and understand that these things happen and try to budget for it.
78. Don’t eat breakfast in the parks.
Stick to the hotel breakfast. The time lost by eating while you could be touring isn’t worth it
79. Don’t skip meals
With all the calories lost during touring, it is important that guests keep their energy levels high. Eat your 3 square meals per day and hydrate often.
80. Don’t stick to the fast food meals
Not many people associate Disney with culinary delights, but you should! Disney goes to great lengths to provide an array of dining choices to its guests, with both variety and quality increasing steadily every year.
81. Don’t leave with regrets
If you have done all that you can to plan the perfect vacation, then leave knowing you did your best and don’t regret anything.
If you did miss anything, simply write it down and know that you will cover it next time you visit; this isn’t a sad day, it’s a glorious day just knowing that you now HAVE to go back.

82. Don’t loose souvenir receipts
If something breaks, doesn’t fit, or otherwise arrives defective, have your souvenir receipts on hand and ask a Cast Member for assistance. They are more than happy to set things right.
83. Don’t carry all of your bags around the park
Know that there are ways to have your shopping sent to the boutique in your hotel, so you don’t have to carry them around all day. This is great, considering we suggest shopping in the mornings or during lunchtime since evenings are crazy busy in the shops.
84. Don’t forget change for tips and tolls
Tolls between the airport and the resorts can add up quickly. So can tipping at the restaurants and room service. Don’t forget, gratuities are not covered under the Disney Dining Plan. Bring change and keep it on your person at all times.
85. Don’t spend too much money
Going broke is not a requirement for a Disney vacation. Have a budget and try to stick within it. If you have to have that giant Stitch stuffy, maybe cancel that dining reservation – heaven knows they cost nearly the same amount.
The portions are large and the heat tends to make one lose their appetite. Share a plate with one of the kids, or with the hubby. No one will mind.
87. Don’t think the kids meals are just for kids.
If you can’t or don’t want to share, order from the kids’ menu. They may be simpler dishes, but they are smaller and cheaper.
88. Don’t let your guard down.
Theft happens everywhere, even in a place as magical as Disney World. Many are crimes of opportunity so don’t give them the opportunity to steal your valuables

89. Don’t skip the resort mug
Not only is the resort mug a great souvenir, but it also doubles as a free refill while at your resort, and refillable mug for free water within the parks.
90. Don’t leave shampoo behind
It’s awesome and free. So unless you haven’t opened it yet, we suggest just taking it with you. It’s just going to get thrown away anyway.
91. Don’t stay off-site
If you can afford, try to stay at a Disney resort. Doing so has perks like transportation to the parks and early admission before the general public is allowed to enter.
This will give you an advantage in knocking out a few rides first thing in the morning — you may even be able to ride your favourites more than once before the lines get ridiculously long.
92. Don’t feel guilty for spending time outside of the parks
Perhaps you’ve heard of a little thing called the Wizarding World of Harry Potter? To experience the most talked-about theme park attraction, you’ll have to defect from Disney and visit its rival, Universal Orlando.
Also within a 15-minute drive are SeaWorld Orlando (as well as SeaWorld’s Discovery Cove and Aquatica water parks) and Gatorland. The biggest Legoland yet is about 40 minutes from Mickey-central.

93. Don’t litter
The Disney World cast members work very hard to keep all of the parks clean and safe for their guests. As the crowds rush in, people tend to just toss their garbage or leave their trash on the streets.
This is not only unsanitary, but it is also a safety hazard. If you have something you need to throw away, just walk to the closest trash can and dispose of your item there.
94. Don’t pay for moderate if you don’t plan on using its amenities.
It’s just a room. If you have no intention of using the pool, or activities or anything else that make one resort more unique than the rest, just get a Value resort room and call it a day. It’s not like you will be spending much time in there anyway
Unless… you plan on coming back each day to nap a kid or taking a mid-day break at the pool. Then it is more than a room and you will want something a little fancier. But remember my first few points, going back to the hotel can take a lot of time and energy that many do not consider.
A midday break can be anything from relaxing at a water feature within the park, switching it up and visiting a water park in the afternoon, or having a nice sit-down meal for lunch.
95. Don’t sleep in
Ordinarily, one of the perks of going on vacation is getting to sleep in—but not at Disney! The number one mistake first-time guests make is thinking they can arrive at the parks at 11 a.m. and see everything in a couple of hours.
The park is least crowded in the first hour after opening. If you really need to, have a nap in the afternoon during the mid-day break.
96. Don’t go to bed early
Nighttime is when the parks come alive with beautiful lighting and enchanting ambiance. It’s also when the weather starts to cool and lines start to die down.
97. Don’t visit a Value Resort during sports season
There are so many sports events that take place at Disney; cheerleading, Pop Warner, Tour groups, and they all stay at Value Resorts. I would avoid visiting Walt Disney World at all during these times but sometimes that can’t be avoided.
If anything else, avoiding their hotel is the next best thing; avoid them on the bus, in the lines for the bus (because one adult tends to save a spot in the queue for all 100 of them, no thank you), and overall avoid them in the hotel amenities.
These groups tend to be loud and as far as mob mentality goes, tend to be a little disrespectful when their chaperones aren’t in eyesight.
98. Don’t forget delivery
Whether it’s through Garden Grocery or Amazon, it’s only important that you know this service exists. Instead of stopping by the grocery store on the way to your hotel, carrying it all with you through the airport or going without and paying Disney prices, there are other options.
Garden Grocer or Amazon will deliver your groceries to your resort even before you have checked it. Amazing!
99. Don’t bother packing banned items
Whether it banned in the parks, from the hotel or in the state of Florida, don’t bother. You may hear of a few people saying they were allowed to bring something because the security agent didn’t catch it, or simply didn’t care that day, but please remember; these are exceptions, not the rule.
There is a reason these items are banned and you will have them taken away. Some will be returned to you, like a tripod or chair. And others will simply go in the garbage, like glass bottles and corkscrew.
100. Don’t forget to book your bounce back offer
Depending on when you plan on visiting and which resort level you want to stay at, you can save up to 30% on your next visit, if booked within 2 years. That’s incredible savings and a lot of flexibility.
Because they are a room discount, they are stackable with ticket discounts. Sometimes, free dining is including in the bounce back so it’s best to take a look and see what they have to offer.
101. Don’t forget to have a good time
After all is said and done, don’t forget to have a good time. Plenty of things can and will go wrong, and it’s best to just roll with the punches. This too will pass. Go to bed, get a drink, have a snack, and just breath. You’re at Disney after all.
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